49 Juicing Solutions to Reduce Muscle Cramps
49 Juicing Solutions to Reduce Muscle Cramps: Eliminate Painful Muscle Cramps Using Natures IngredientsBy Joe Correa CSNThe involuntary and rather painful condition of a contracted muscle that doesn't relax is something we have all experienced at least once in our life. Usually, the condition is quite harmless and it only lasts for a couple of minutes during which the person is unable to use the affected muscle.Muscle cramps are often caused by difficult exercises, hard physical labor, dehydration, or use of certain medications. They can occur in almost every muscle in the body, especially in the leg and feet muscles. As I said earlier, most of the time muscle cramps are harmless, however, sometimes they can be related to some more serious medical condition like:Inadequate blood supply due to narrowed arteries causes muscle cramps during exercise.Nerve compression in the spine is related to muscle cramps while walking,Lack of minerals like potassium, calcium, or magnesium in your body can also lead to muscle cramps.In some cases, it is highly recommended to visit a doctor, especially if you feel severe pain, muscle weakness, leg swelling, rashes or any other skin changes. Also, if you suffer from frequent muscle cramps that don't improve over time, medical attention is necessary.Although muscle cramps can happen to everyone for various reasons, there are some risk factors that increase this painful condition. These factors include age, different medical conditions, and dehydration. Older people who lose their muscle mass are frequently affected by muscle cramps, even during some relatively easy physical activities. Pregnant women and people suffering from diabetes, thyroid or liver disorders also experience frequent and harmless muscle cramps. Finally, dehydration during long physical activities (especially in hot weather) is often the cause of muscle cramps.There are a couple of simple steps that will help prevent muscle cramps. As mentioned above,
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