A Book of Wonders
In Europe during the Middle Ages, the most learned philosopher and the humblestpeasant alike engaged in heated discussion and spectacular speculation on the subjectof Wonders. The sports of Nature-Unicorns, Sea Serpents, Dragons, and OddThings Falling From the Sky; Signs in the Heavens; Human Prodigies; Dark Days;Auroras & Comets; the deep mysteries of Earth & Heaven-all drew forth peoplesastonishment and earnest questions. Are there not Wonders-and Marvels, Mysteries,Myth, and Magic-in our age as well? Of course there are! But we moderns tend notto be aware of them, and when they make headlines, we tend to dismiss them as fakesor hallucinations.An introduction to a new way of thinking about the Past, this Brief History of theWorld follows a trail of Wonders over the course of the last five centuries. From theextraordinary deeds of Joan of Arc to the mysteries of Aztec sacrifice to the workingsof the secret brotherhoods of East and West, you will hear a surprising tale of WorldDestiny, one that inspires you to seek your own Grail within.Dr. Kevin Dann teaches in the History Department at the State University ofNew York at Plattsburgh.
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