A heart full of rainbow
?Right in the middle of Adriennes school playground, there is the most beautiful heart, painted with rainbow colors. ??Everyone marvels at it. It never seems to fade, and it glitters like it was made out of magic. ??No one knows how it got there, but Adrienne does. She knows it is a symbol of confidence, self-love, and true friendship. Adrienne will always remember what it stands for..?Adrienne is a young girl who has to face three mean bullies at school every day. She has to take their taunts and her confidence reduces until she meets a magical friend!She also has a cool secret because only she can see her special magical friend, Alex.Her magical friend needs her to be strong for his magic to work!Her weapons are confidence, self-love, and courage.Will she be able to make her magic stronger? Strong enough to defeat the meanest bullies at school?Join her in her little adventure and see how she battles the bullies with the help of Alex.
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