A Hydrogen Bomb Radiation Survivor
A Hydrogen Bomb Radiation Survivor, a Memoir, by Don Kelley who was an eye witness to the detonations of six Hydrogen bombs in the winter of 1954, during Operation Castle at the US Pacific Proving Ground.Following Operation Castle, many military participants had mental problems called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This book reveals a surviving method for people afflicted with this dreadful disorder. Most people experiencing PTSD have overpowering depression, anxiety, and horrible recurring bad dreams. Sometimes victims suffering from this mental calamity are shunned by society because they display improper behavior. Perhaps the biggest danger to the individual is separation from friends and being reluctant to make new ones. Friendships are essential in learning how to cope with mental anxiety.Kelley’s hope is that his experience with this mental disorder will help others to cope.
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