What if to sleep means to die? A disease, the Death Sleep, has seized humanity. The Death Sleep struck slowly at first, but then it suddenly accelerated. Everyone succumbed to its devastating effects-violence, loss of reason, intermittent sleep, and finally death. Inevitably, everyone fell asleep, except Art Sand, a doctor specializing in Alzheimer's Disease. Art Sand finds that an experimental drug can stave off the Death Sleep. Once fully awake, Art is horrified to discover a world ending as though Armageddon has arrived. As the chaos yields to quietude, Art discovers another survivor, a young girl named Maya who doesn't need the drug to live. As Art and Maya search for answers, they encounter unexpected dangers. And they discover many more survivors. But are they a hostile, new race of human beings? A lyrical literary novel, A M M powerfully captures the stark landscape of a post-apocalyptic world, and the hope and nightmare of a survivor. 
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