A School of Sober Second Thoughts
Written for people who have only learned one thing in life and thats that theyre stupid, A School of Sober Second Thoughts contains more than 2,500 jokes and one-liners that offers readers one way to do it all over again to realize it wasnt just them, after all. It was everyone who taught them to be it, too.Willidau has taken a different course and decided to spend some time teaching himself a thing or two, he didnt quite catch the first time around. Ken Willidaus philosophy is that if youre going to be stupid, yourself, you might as teach it to yourself so youll know what youre talking about first to know what you really dont. Willidau teaches and takes his course trying to figure out if its the teachers or the pupil thats the problem here, using you as the pupil this time, and tries to resolve it all over again, for once and for all. And hes usually an easy mark because just your showing up will leave him touched and dumbfounded.The curriculum of chapters make the course one that will test your resolve. Among them, Anger Management 0110, Geriatrics 7599, Meteorology 0072, Business 0905, Social Studies 0724 and Literature 0451 will change the way you think about everything you never knew before. The class is spent being lectured with a teaching technique of using jokes containing wit, dark humour, twisted logic, tongue-in-cheek, rumours going around school about the other teachers, plays on words and double entendre humour to hit his mark. Spending your day learning your lessons from Kens teachings will make you as stupid as he is and how smart he thinks he is and not who taught you how to do that, for yourself, the first time around your block.A School of Sober Second Thoughts is a perfect read for those times when you know you were stupid for not reading this the first time around and dont know youll be as stupid by the end of it all again, too, yet.
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