A Warriors Sword
Are you battle ready? Do you have on the full armor of God? Are you wearing your helmet, your breastplate, your girdle, and are you booted for combat? These items may equip you for battle, but youre not ready until you have a sword to fight off your enemy. Every other preparatory accessory mentioned above is something a soldier wears into battle, the sword on the other hand is an offensive piece of equipment that can bring your enemy to their knees when used properly.A Warriors Sword: 10 Strategies to Build Hope and Stand Strong in the Midst of a Battle is an aggressive weapon the Christian believer can use to ward off the attack of the Enemy. Its a modern day 21st Century strategy manual written by a seasoned Marine veteran with 23 years of service who has actually been on the battlefield where she garnered a host of skills that will empower women to not only win the battle but also wear the victors crown at the end of the war.Walda Collins is a woman of great faith who not only knows how to wield her sword (the word of God) but is also adept at using her shield of faith to ward off the enemy when in a face-to-face combat situation. In this book, she expertly shares the spiritual and logistical lessons she learned during war to assist you in being more than a conquer on the battlefield of life.
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