Abby Invents Unbreakable Crayons
Looking for a book to introduce girls and boys to science and inventing? Abby Invents is the perfect gift! Signed copies of Abby Invents and FREE coloring sheets available at www.abbyinvents.comThe sequel: Abby Invents The Foldibot is AVAILABLE NOW at abbyinvents.com. Dont miss it!Abby Invents is a series, written to introduce kids to the magic of inventing!Tired of coloring with broken crayons, Abby invents the worlds first UNBREAKABLE CRAYONS. She even gets a patent to prove it! Through Abbys failures and eventual success, she playfully introduces young readers to the scientific method. This book also contains a fun activity page, encouraging young readers to create their own unbreakable crayons. For kids ages 4-9.Dont miss the sequel, Abby Invents The Foldibot, at www.abbyinvents.com
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