Around the World Vegan Style
Despite the Western diet high in meat and dairy products, much of the rest of the world has traditionally followed a primarily or entirely vegetarian diet. Tragically, there has been a dramatic transition in the latter as world meat production has increased about 10 times the world population growth rate in just a few decades. I have witnessed the transition to a diet high in animal products in places as beautiful as Micronesia and sub-Saharan Africa, where diseases such as diabetes and heart disease have just begun to rear their ugly heads. This grave trend also multiplies the devastating consequences for the environment worldwide and for the countless billions of animals killed each year for food-10 billion land animals and 10 billion sea animals in the United States alone. Many of us wonder what steps we can take to make a difference in the world. Here, the answer is simple. Following a vegan diet is the first and foremost step to improve the condition of the environment, human health, and the lives of animals. Around the World Vegan Style tells you how and why.Hope Ferdowsian, M.D., M.P.H. In Around the World Vegan Style, Nancy Robinson unites all people of the globe through a single common bond- the love of delicious food! In its pages youll find authentic recipes all free of animal products and featuring chefs specialties, all sure to please your palate and increase your appreciation for global cuisine. Let Around the World Vegan Style turn your kitchen into a travel adventure for your tongue, while healthfully nourishing yourself, your family, and friends. Welcome aboard. The journey to worldwide taste delights starts here!Michael Klaper, M.D.Author: Vegan Nutrition: Pure and Simple Nancy Robinsons cookbook could not come at a better time. The whole world is beginning to realize that animal agriculture-a major source of water pollution and deforestation-is one of the biggest culprits in global warming. The 2007 United Nations report shows tha
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