Audreys Promise
Audrey Allen is poised to become the youngest Texas senator. Achieving her dream is only days away, but there is one person who could stir up serious trouble for her budding career, Ethan Tanner.An ambitious and tantalizing journalist, Ethan holds a deep grudge against politicians, and his latest target is Audrey Allen. Her seemingly flawless record is too clean for any candidate.In true journalistic form, he cunningly procures an invite to Thanksgiving dinner at her family home for an in-depth look at the candidate. Small town life in East Texas is nothing as it seems, as Audrey’s legendary peacemaking skills in her hometown are fruitless where memories and grudges run deep from a decade-old tragedy. Even though his motives are not entirely honorable at the onset, Ethan soon realizes that Audrey’s remarkable abilities and sultry charms could melt HIS grudge away, for good.With prejudices running both ways, Audrey is determined to keep a short leash on this reporter with the devilish eyes to make sure he keeps his promise of fair reporting. Most journalist only dream of a chance to uncover catastrophic events from a politician’s past, but Ethan’s heart may be changing. Will he find that he values finding love more than getting the story?
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