Auric Polarization
Auric Polarization provides a step-by-step guide to the art of auric polarization. With pictures and instructions that are easy to read and understand, anyone can learn how to give one effectively.Full of useful information that can be used in everyday life, this handbook can teach anyone how to get rid of a headache just using their hands, or how to help relieve stress, trauma, and tension with a trauma drain. Clear, cleanse, and seal auras with an auric wipe down.Auric Polarization is a combination of polarity therapy (balancing the electromagnetic field or aura that surrounds the physical body), Reiki (energy work), Shiatsu (acupressure), and Reflexogy (foot massage). Learn about Chakras-whirling vortexes of energy known for thousands of years by East Indians as the energy centers of the body that control the different organs of the body. Explore how color affects the body, and how it can be used to restore balance to the body. Get to know the four lower bodies-emotional, mental, etheric, and physical-and how they affect well-being.Based on years of work spent simplifying and synthesizing these four disciplines, Auric Polarization can teach anyone how to help others with their healing hands.
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