In 2016, Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize for his research on Autophagy.Not only does autophagy have lifechanging weight loss benefits…It may help treat cancer and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.Why has this unique type of fasting only become established in the past couple of years?It’s simple, the fat cats of our food industry establishment have billions riding on the outdated “3 square meals a day” lifestyle.And not only is this typical American lifestyle outdated, it’s downright dangerous.However, there is another way.And inside this breakthrough book you’ll discover:How to lose weight faster while intermittent fastingIBS pain? You can blame this common food5 superfoods you can find at your local supermarketHow inflamed is your body right now? Exactly what to ask your doctor to find out the truth.How to increase autophagy without fasting for several days in a row7 best foods for nurturing gut healthEat this “forgotten food” to reverse plaque build up in your arteriesHow to properly do a water fast without feeling weak or getting hungry.A handful of this food cuts risk of heart disease by 24%1 in 4 supplements failed quality tests at a leading independent lab. Discover which ones to throw out (acid test)How to lose weight without working out every day3 beginner mistakes which actually prevent autophagy, and how to avoid themDo you get autophagy during 16/8 fasting? The surprising truth…and much, much more.Plus countless other health secrets…Including this “miracle beverage” which researchers at the University of Minnesota found lowered diabetes risk by 33%... drinking this also boosts the effectiveness of your fast… plus one drink to avoid which sneakily breaks your fastYou’ll also discoverHow to avoid starvation mode while fastingThe raw truth about extended water fastingIs too much autophagy bad? Get the answer from the world&rs
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