Battle of the Gods
In the year 2015, after discovering that the war of Armageddon is approaching. Mathew and Emily will travel back and forth through time under the belief that some unnatural occurrence is the cause of what Mathew and Emily know will be the war of all wars. Which they knew would destroy everything and everyone that theyd ever known or loved. And as an attempt to prevent that. Theyll travel back in time to figure out who or what it is that has lead them to this point. Though upon request theyll be taken back to the year 62,015 BCE. And there they will witness the Battle of the Gods. Omis, A very intelligent and powerful being from a dying universe will travel to this universe in search of a suitable planet for his species to inhabit. Though for him that will mean killing off the entire population of inhabitants to conquer the planets that he deems suitable for his species. Omis will do whatever it takes to save his species even if that means the extermination of another species. Though there will be great opposition against his senseless murders. First he will have to get past the lesser Gods. Who will attempt to stop him. Though Omis will prove to be too powerful for them. And a summons will be sent to the Supreme Being for HIS assistance. Though HE will politely inform them that what they are dealing with is not something that requires HIS attention. Do to HIS nature, HE only allows HIMSELF to give life, and not take it. Though in response to know that summons HE will send out HIS greatest potential, the Goddess Orlura. Who will set out to stop Omis. Orlura will search, find, and face Omis in battle. Then imprison him for his senseless murders. Though after being imprisoned and trapped for billions of years Omis will finally escape and set out for vengeance. But by this time the Goddess Orlura is nowhere to be found. And the population of the planet that Omis had been imprisoned on is now in an animalistic state. However Omis will set out to destroy Orlura.
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