Bedtime Stories for Adults - Vagus Nerve stimulation for Insomnia
It was recorded that over sixty million Americans suffer from sleeplessness, that is, insomnia. In that huge number, thirty percent are adults, and they already show symptoms of insomnia. This means that in most cases, it never just hits you with its full-blown dose. It comes with its warning signals. What are these warning signals that you already are beginning to see in your sleep pattern? Has the sudden and untraceable headache started kicking in? Have you started losing focus and concentration? Perhaps you see yourself in a discussion or among a group of people and you suddenly just seem to have drifted far away in your mind. This is where you get stuck, till night, and you just cant find any sleep because you cant find your way out. When you suffer from insomnia, you frequently find that many other areas of your life also suffer greatly. You can feel like you struggle to concentrate on those around you. You feel like you lack good, healthy energy. You feel like you cannot keep up with conversations, or you feel like you are too emotionally unstable or snappy to deal with people effectively. These are all problems, but they become especially noticeable when they start to impact more than just yourself.The vagus nerve functions as the bodys superhighway, taking information between the brain and the internal organs and controlling the bodys reaction in times of relaxation and rest. The huge nerve originates from the brain and branches from numerous directions to the throat and chest. Its accountable for activities like carrying sensory data from the epidermis of the ear, so controlling the muscles you use to eat and talk and affecting your immune system. This book is composed of stories that will help you calm your mind, give you positive thoughts, and find inner peace. These bedtime stories found in this book will help you relieve your stress levels, secure a good nights sleep, and also help you feel energized and ready when you wake up in the mor
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