Brave, Bold, Beautiful- great collection of heartfelt self portraits of how to overcome challenges by tapping into their intrinsic power and resourcefulness.  ~Donna Drake, President of Drake Media Network, and Creator/Host of Live it Up! with Donna Drake CBS, TV Talk Show.Overcoming AND moving forward ... these are stories from which we can all draw strength! Wonderful!  ~Maie Pauts Broadcaster boom 97.3 TorontoBORN TO BE ME is captivating from cover to cover,  powerful prose and a must read.  Each chapter shines a light on the journey through adversity, pain and loss, yet leaves the reader with the gift of awareness, perseverance, courage and most importantly hope. We can identify on some level with  the struggles, choices made and lessons learned to believe we are worth it. ~Sherry Lee Benson-Podolchuk, Retried RCMP, International Motivational Speaker, author of Women Not Wanted , CEO of Star Agassi Consulting, TEDx Speaker.Real stories of growth, despair, hardship, empowerment and ultimately, celebration. Punctuated by personal insights, thoughtful anecdotes and vulnerable revelations that we simply can’t garner from data and so-called expert opinion, the Sisterhood writers invite you to share their journeys and see yourself in their emotions. ~Jessica O’Reilly AKA @SexWithDrJess, Sex & Relationship Expert PhD
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