Bruces History Lessons
This collection of columns by historian Bruce G. Kauffmann is must reading whether you are a history buff or not. Unlike most historians Kauffmann writes in a style that is entertaining as well as educational, and because his columns are short - just 450 words - they arent a huge commitment in time. Read one each day, or as many as you like. A recurring theme in the correspondence Kauffmann gets from readers is how much they wish history had been taught in school the way he writes it in his column. As reader Cynthia Scarlett wrote, Mr. Kauffmann, I truly enjoy your columns! How I wish someone with your flair could have been around when I was in high school. I would have been a lot smarter than I am now. I think you are a real asset to learning and I hope someone in the academic arena understands that and helps spread your fascinating columns throughout the country, or world. Even teachers are fans, and countless numbers of them use his column in their classroom. Regardless of your age, or past interest in history, you will enjoy this book.
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