Building Shipwright Success on Lifes Miracles
“Building Shipwright Success on Life’s Miracles is a testament to something like karma or God's will or the golden rule, in that Rich worked so hard in such adversity to boldly act where others would or could not?and did so repeatedly throughout his life to date. It is intensely private, insightful, and far-reaching. It is overwhelmingly impressive and inspiring on so many levels, so many dimensions…”Ken Cooper “I was captivated by the stories that revealed an extraordinary life, by any measure, a life well lived. Perhaps the most moving aspect of this inspiring and wonderful story is that so much of it has been done quietly, but with a consistency of determination in the beliefs that you hold so strongly.  I know that it will inspire all who read it.”  Bravo, my friend, bravo!”Joe Cuneo  Building Shipwright Success on Life’s Miracles, is a history lesson and fascinating memoir of Rich Goldbach’s participation in programs for building, maintaining, modernizing and recycling U.S.Navy ships. He played an important role in these programs while also addressing the welfare of his workers, the civic needs of his community, the security challenges to his Nation, and the environmental demands of the Planet. Through all of the trials and tribulations of heading the most successful repair shipyard in the country, Rich Goldbach’s efforts paid off in ensuring that all employees of Metro Machine Corp. in Norfolk, Virginia and Pennsylvania, reaped the benefits of the most successful ESOP in the country.
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