Busted Valentines and Other Dark Delights
13 sordid and salacious tales of hustlers, lovers and losers, killers and thrillers carousing in a charade of lust, love, luck, and murder... where shifty, shady types clamor to survive, when no way out seems to be the only way out...You read stuff like this and the top of your head comes off. This is pure dark, stark, powerful poetry. -Les Edgerton, author of The Bitch, The Rapist and The Genuine, Imitation, Plastic KidnappingIts top shelf writing with a bloodshot eye for the gutter. -Charles Benoit, Edgar-nominated author of Relative Danger and YouDe Blase wields a big heart and a bigger knife for twisting. -Jack Getze, Spinetingler Magazine
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