Christian Counseling; Healing the Tribes of Man
To successfully help those under our care, we must address the complete person. The person must be balanced in the areas of his or her spiritual, personal, family, and community views. An incorrect view of God can be as damaging as an imbalance of view of self. As counselors we must attend to all of these areas.It is no mistake that the New Testament word save means to heal. Salvation means to make a person whole, complete, and healthy. It is the absence of all that warps or blights the human personality and prevents full fellowship with God.Those who minister to others are strung up between heaven and earth, trying to ease pain and stop the cycle of hurt. To reach people the counselor must understand and be compassionate. He must see things from angles previously unknown to him. He must look at our hurting brothers and sisters and be able to understand why they made their decisions. This does not mean he would agree with them, only that he is familiar with their type of person and how they tick. This knowledge will allow us to know how to minister to their needs.
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