Cleopatra, Immortal Queen
The mighty Caesar of Rome invades Egypt, the richest country in the world, and Queen Cleopatra VII, barely out of her teens, knows she has to get to him unobserved. He sits in her palace, and her brothers troops as well as the Romans lie between her and success. Determined to hold on to both throne and country, she has herself delivered to Caesar in a rug, and manages to charm the middle-aged man with her intellect, knowledge, and naive sensuality. Therein begins the historical saga of a woman and the two men who were her lovers, Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony, the two most powerful men in Rome. The novel sweeps through the splendors of Egypt, travels to Rome, Ephesus, Antioch, and Judea in the recreation of the years before the current era. It highlights her relationship, not only with Caesar and Anthony, but also the other famous men and women of the day. Cleopatras gallant attempts to secure independence for Egypt and a safe future for her children makes for a moving portrayal of her life with the two stylistically-different men who ruled the world.
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