Coffee Shop Ministries
Co­ffee Shop Ministries represent short stories about everyday encounters with people while sharing a cup of tea or coffee. The question that is raised, however, is “Were these accidental meetings or divine appointments?” Dennis felt led to capture these accounts and share them with the world. Some examples of responses to stories in the book are: “­ Thank you for your gift of sharing God’s love through your writings... especially for allowing me to sip tea at your “Coffee Shop Cafe”. Just reading about the encounters added light to many dismal days. Oh, how I long for your coffee shop fellowship during these times.” Isileen Webb (Florida) “I really love this book! I think you have done a great job. ­ e only thing Joe and I didn’t really care for were the names you gave us, Jane & Dick. Please feel free to use our real names we do not mind at all!” Joe and Debby (Alabama) Note: ­ is couple’s story is the chapter titled “­ e Young Couple.”
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