Come Back Home
Come Back Home is a gripping tale about two young people who become engulfed in the toil of World War II. Walter Wilson meets Abby Walker during the summer of 1943. They fall in love, but there are two huge obstacles that could shatter their romance. First, Abby comes from an upper-class family, whereas Walter is born into the middle class. As a result, Abbys father doesnt want the relationship to blossom. He doesnt believe that Walter is good enough for his daughter and would prefer for her to date someone from the upper class. Abbys father will do what he can to ensure the relationship ceases to exist. Second, the United States has been dragged to war in Europe and the Pacific. Walter is young, patriotic, and naive and wants to fight for his country. This drive to fight overseas certainly has the chance to destroy the love between Abby Walker and Walter Wilson.Timing and circumstances couldnt be worse for Abby and Walter. World War II has wrecked the lives of many people. This is a story about two young people and how they navigate their love for each other during one of the most trying times in history.
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