This book is intended to fill you with hope and wonderment about who you are .It is meant to lead you to discover and reach for awareness in body, mind, soul, and spirit , and thereby be as healthy and happy as you can be. Also, it tells a little bit of my journey to discover myself. There is a chapter on stress and one on Psychogenic Awareness which is a way to discover when suppressed feelings are causing disease and how by discovering and acknowledging them we can relieve and remedy it. The books intention is to fill you with hope and to help you discover the wonder that is you. This book is intended to Awaken an experience in, Becoming. Just nestle safely alone, cozily marshmallowed into your most comfy chair with your favorite soft music floating in the background. Allow the esscence of the Peacefulness of your Being to hatch open and experience Who You Are. A Note To Youth Do not be fooled into thinking that you can achieve a soul experience by taking drugs and alcohol. These are all experiences of an altered mind. The mind can be altered by drugs to see and experience a realistic illusion; a false light that leads to inertia and stops the Living Bloom of your discovery. The Genuine never takes over the will. Drugs are a deterrent to the experience and connection to the Soul and Spirit. The free will is a sacred domain that even God will not transgress. The real thing produces positive results that lead you to the talents within you. You gently and lovingly bloom to a productive life and discover your real talents and purpose. It never leads to fanaticism or an urging by others to capture your free will or a desire for you to capture anothers free will. You receive your own clarity and discover who you are, meant, To Be. Gods Love does not invade or persuade but Lovingly surrounds you with His Light to discover Who you Are.
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