Common Sense Healing
Two people go to see a doctor. They both have the same illness. He gives the same treatment to both people. One person heals yet the other does not-why? Is it the doctor? The doctors gave the exact same treatment to both people! This is where it now falls on you the individual. One person took responsibility for their healing and they healed. The other did not and they didn’t heal. Life can and does teach us through sickness. Once you learn the lesson that the sickness is trying to teach you; the sickness goes away! I repeat once you learn the lesson that the sickness is trying to teach you; the sickness goes away!A person can catch a cold or the flu during the winter months. But a person does not catch Cancer or Hepatitis or Lupus. These diseases and most major diseases manifest over various periods of time - not over night! If you are suffering from a major disease, your body has been crying out to you but you didn’t understand what it needed from you to be healthy. You do not yet understand the language in which your body was speaking to you. Now, you are about to embark on your inner journey of self-healing. You will discover how to become your body’s best friend and it will reward you with good health. As you begin to understand what your physical hygiene is, you will grow to understand your Mental and Emotional Hygiene and how important they are to maintain good health as well. All human beings have the power to heal themselves! If a child falls and hurts his/her knee they will immediately put their hand on the knee. If the child has a stomachache they will put their hand on the stomach. Instinctively, the child is placing his or her hand over the area where there is pain. By doing this the child is sending healing energy into their body albeit unconsciously. No one has to teach them to this, children do it naturally!James was stricken with the virus of Hepatitis, first the A virus and then the B virus. James was then afflicted with the Hepat
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