Corporate Reputation - why does it matter?
In the last decade, CEOs increasingly recognized that intangible assets mayprovide a more stable basis for competitive advantage than patents and technologies.Hence, companies started to invest in corporate PR to communicategood corporate behaviour, gain goodwill and improve their public perception.This book categorises and analyses approaches and techniques of morethan 700 communication practitioners throughout Europe on how to use corporatereputation as a tool to gain competitive advantage. It details corporatereputation management strategies and their contribution to businesssuccess. One of the worlds top 3 PR consultancies hosted the research thatunderpins this book, which presents powerful advice for industry professionals(i.e. PR consultancies). The author writes with the perspective of PRpractitioners, journalists as well as Marketing and PR students in mind. CEOsmay enjoy the factual research and tangible advice on how to convert corporatereputation into a valuable intangible asset that delivers competitive advantage.
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