Cowboy Boots on the Ground
New York heiress Olivia Jacobs flees from her stepfather who’s trying to kill her in order to obtain her trust funds. Eventually landing in Texas where she buys a country bar she names Ollie’s, Olivia believes herself safe. Then one night in the bar, some thugs decide to rob the place. Olivia pulls out her Stillson wrench and ends their plans. Unfortunately, the event goes viral on the internet, and the media surrounds her home the next day. Her cover is blown and her face is all over the tabloids. Now she must run again. Rocky, a rancher living in the same town, offers to help her escape. Not quite trusting him, or the attraction she feels for him, she’s reluctant—that is, until her stepfather’s minions show up and she realizes she’s out of options. Now both she and Rocky are on the run from one of the most powerful men in New York, and things are about to get ugly…
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