Cracked . . . Not Broken
The morning Kristin Tierney awoke and found herself lying on a dirty mattress on the floor of a Portland crack house, only two things were certain: life as she knew it no longer existed and she had no one to thank for that but herself.  She hadn’t meant to blow up her world.  She had simply run out of unhealthy coping mechanisms.  Ways to escape.  Things to numb her.  All in an effort to quiet the voice of her inner critic.  It had taunted her for most of her life.  Telling her she was not lovable.  Not worthy.  Not enough.For the next seven years, unable or unwilling to quit crack, she hit one bottom after another.  Only to learn there would another and then another and another.  Each more painful and hopeless.  Each closing off another avenue of escape.  Then the day arrived when, during perhaps her darkest hour, she experienced a miracle - a moment of divine intervention.  In that moment, she surrendered; freeing herself enough to receive God’s grace.  And a gift of sufficient strength and courage to forever change her life.In the months and years to follow, she learned why she had to be stripped of everything that had once seemed so important.  Without that she never would have found the one thing that had been missing all her life - a sense of self.  As she reclaimed her life, her recovery evolved into re-birth.  She embraced her inner beauty, flaws and all, and finally gave herself permission to be everything she was created to be.Cracked . . . Not Broken tells the story of Kristin’s epic journey.  Often frightening and heart-wrenching, it is a powerful testament of recovery and redemption.
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