Crazy Bones! The Tale of a Waggy Tail
Crazy Bones is the tale of a feisty, little puppy with a big attitude. She was rescued after Hurricane Katrina destroyed much of New Orleans, and then she was sent from one shelter to another until finally being adopted by a middle age woman in northern New England.As the story unfolds, the comical narrative by Crazy Bones reveals a sharp contrast between the puppy and Lydia,her new owner, whose life is methodical and regimented. Crazy Bones is very inquisitive and adventurous, has an infectious spirit,sees life with humor and insight, and teaches Lydia lessons about life. The two characters try to figure each other out as they swim in the Atlantic Ocean, walk through deep snow in the Maine woods, share yogurt, travel together, and run in the darkness of early morning.Amusing observations made by Crazy Bones keep the reader entertained from the book's beginning to the end.
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