Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue Volume 12 numbers 1 & 2 (HC)
A volume in Curriculum and Teaching DialogueSeries Editors: David J. Flinders, Indiana UniversityCurriculum and Teaching Dialogue is the journal of the American Association of Teaching andCurriculum. The purpose of AATC as originally defined in Article 1, Section 2A and Section2B of the AATC Constitution is: To constitute a national learned society for the scholarly field ofteaching and curriculum (teaching is the more inclusive concept, curriculum is an integral partof teaching the what to teach aspect). In the larger universities, faculty members identifiedwith this field of scholarly study are typically affiliated with the departments of curriculum andinstruction, teacher education, and elementary secondary education. To promote the scholarlystudy of teaching and curriculum. All analytical and interpretive approaches that are appropriatefor the scholarly study of teaching and curriculum shall be encouraged. In fulfillment of thismission, this volume addresses a range of issues across the broad fields of teaching andcurriculum for all ages, grade levels, and types of programs.
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