Discovering My Beautiful World
I was a teacher at a private educational center and the children in this book were my inspiration! A portion of the proceeds will go into a fund for the children who participated in the book. When they are old enough, they can use it to enhance their education or to travel and discover their beautiful world. Note to ParentsMy intention was to create an experience for both parent and child alike. An added component is the audio version included with this book. Many parents have shared with me that looking at each picture while listening to the audio, gave them an opportunity to hear the thoughts and perceptions of a child in a new and refreshing way, allowing them to easily step into that world again. Share this delightful space of wonderment and curiosity for everything, and let it be a reminder of a time and space you once knew so well but somehow have forgotten. May it help rekindle your own sense of awe, appreciation, joy, excitement, and anticipation for each and every day!
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