Divinely Flawed and Wildly Amused
Newsflash: Life is hard—pretty much in equal measure for all of us at one point or another, and we all need a leg up sometimes if we are to “embrace the suck” with any amount of grace. While it’s true that we are all part of the same cosmic whole, it is imperative that each of us do our best to be whole as individuals first. How many times have you wished that life came with a guide book, some little set of instructions to get you through the day? Well, here you go!Perhaps you've been on an airplane where the overly cheery flight attendant has announced, “In the unlikely event of a drop in cabin pressure, oxygen masks will magically drop out of the overhead compartment. Please put the oxygen mask on yourself first and then on your child.” “Wait,what?… Um, no” It is most parents’ instinct to give that lifesaving breath to their child first, right? But think about it (Ms. Cheerypants reminds you); if you're unconscious, how will you save your child? This book is inspired by the idea that before you can be of service to, or in relationship with, anybody else, you have to turn in and connect deeply with yourself. Think of this book as your spiritual oxygen mask; by spending moments a day with the tiny reminders herein, may you live a more peaceful, balanced life and show up in the world as the best possible version of yourself. 
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