Divinity Unmasked
Religion Flushed. . . My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, how can I possibly sing of thee when the one dominating cultural, socio-political relevant institution in our society named religion is the most racially segregated separated organization in existence on the American landscape. We are one nation divided under God, as Catholics, Baptists, United Methodists, Episcopalians, Jews, Muslims, and other denominational divisions worshiping God within the limited chambers of our masked presuppositions about who God is. We must unmask our individual beliefs and presumptions of Divinity, and move beyond the boundaries of our worship spaces into the realities of the external world to service the larger socio-cultural, political discrimination associated with the homeless, disenfranchised, drug dealers, prostitutes and others in need, all created by the very God we profess to serve in our limited segregated congregations. Divinity Unmasked attempts to examine and flush out our inability to provide strategic planning dedicated to Gods original plan for humankind.
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