Embrace your aloneness
This book is a rare creation. In essence, it is a self-help book that makes the case that the reader should avoid unnecessary attachments or identities, and excessively strong affiliations to groups as well. This message is greatly strengthened by the pithy nonfiction at the end, but the relevant autobiography that leads up to it, makes everything much more plausible and acceptable. Going further though, the narrative is interspersed with poems of a journaling nature, and often written at the actual times they detail. For many years the author wrote poetry in that fashion. Ultimately, his verse became more psychological and probing. The clarity of the final nonfiction can be read alone, or just the title, or everything, or nothing. Ironically, it is suggested at the end of the book, that one of the problems of the modern day is excessive choice. For your information, this whole book is 108 pages. The choice is yours!!!
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