Emmas Story
Give a lonely dog lover a beautiful flat and cream sofa - and what does she do to it? Jan found herself with too much time and very little company. A glimmer of an idea appeared on the horizon - and it wouldnt go away.The more she fought against the idea - the more firmly it took root. She needed a dog - a challenge she took up with great enthusiasm. Jan armed herself with newspaper ads, Dog World and the phone book, and started seeking out her new best friend. Of course, what she pictured in her minds eye and what she actually brought home - were poles apart.From the word go, Emmas Story invites you to join in the fun and games from the stand-offish, nervous little scrap that underwent a Jekyll-and-Hyde transformation to become the beloved companion and co-owner of her empire. Pure of heart, intelligent, loyal and diabolically naughty, this record of Emmas antics will have you laughing and crying and nodding knowingly, because this is a book for dog people, and we know who we are.
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