In this pioneering scholarly work on occult symbols in literature, the reader is offered a vivid look into how W.B. Yeats, T.S. Eliot, and Franz Kafka_three masters of symbolic expression_utilized Tarot cards in their poetry and prose. Focusing on the Tarots ancient associations with divine knowledge, its pictorial representation of both the Jewish and Christian Cabala, and the Tarots more recent pedestrian affiliation with the occult, June Leavitt skillfully demonstrates how Yeats, Eliot, and Kafka align themselves in their uniquely individual ways with the Tarot symbols mapping of reality. Paying close attention to the mystical nuances of the Tarot, Ms. Leavitt shows how Tarot symbols allow for radically new readings of the texts in which they are situated, and play a transformative role in the three writers search for God. This search remained indecisive for Kafka, resulted in Eliots conversion to Anglo-Catholicism, and went hand in hand with Yeats passion for pagan gods and angels. Visit the authors website at http://www.spiritualityteaching.com.
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