Every Time I Diet I Gain 5 Pounds
The “Anti-Diet” Book!Aren’t you tired of reading books on how to lose weight with diets?FINALLY, you can find yourself amongst people that encourage you NOT to go on a diet!  Instead, try the Visualize Personal Success™ (VPS) approach.In this compelling book, life coach Galina Knopman invites you to step into a community willing to believe in themselves and learn about their unique needs. Develop and learn how to live life without deprivation and excessive self-control. Understand why you do the things you doOvercome the excuses that prohibit you from succeedingEvaluate how you perceive yourselfGain perspective around the myths that one diet is for everyoneMaster your strengths and inherent weaknesses The self-assessment exercises will create actionable steps for your reflection and success!   Losing weight, being healthy, liking yourself, and living in accordance with what you value are all part of this “no-dieting” easy to read workbook.
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