Fall of the Black Sun
Branda is a twenty-one-year-old supernatural hunter venator caught in the middle of a holy war between angels and demons, the sides of which are not as clearly drawn as they should be. Her many years of wandering through reincarnation have taught her to be thorough, brutal, and unemotional. That is until her fight takes her to purgatory, where she meets Michael. Hes the only half-angel, half-human archangel in heaven and the best of both. He is the missing piece of her personality and the key to unlocking the prison she created for herself. It will take both of them to bring the light back to purgatory and kill the king of darkness, Ares, the god of war and Brandas brother from a previous life. They will face legendary creatures-the kraken, chimera, and Drakon Pitanios-as well as vicious battles with Ares and his followers to free their people from the oppression of the Black Sun. Branda is dedicated to her mission, but is she capable of killing the brother she wronged so many years ago?
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