Finding My Frequency
If your current situation is not the ultimate condition envisioned for your life, are you contemplating change? While our internal being experiences metamorphosis constantly, our view of what is possible externally, gets corrupted very early on in life. We adopt a routine out of fear, never attempting to try out the ideas we ponder daily. Why should you and how will you change? The truth about who we are and what we can do is instinctively known to each and everyone of us, but we settle for what comes standard - paychecks, perks and pension. We all have, buried deep within us, mediocrity and mightiness co-existing side by side. The power to push ourselves from the orbit of the ordinary to the place of our fullest potential lies dormant in each and every one of us. We, however, see the climb as cumbersome and so we yield with the masses on the path of least resistance. This books dual purpose is firstly to explain and affirm that YES! it is possible to change course even when our responsibilities or obligations seem insurmountable. It shows how one mans courage to stick his existence on finding where he comes alive was made manifest. We must endeavor to find that unique place where we can distribute our true talent overtime. Until we operate on our center frequency, we will never find our ultimate condition.
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