Floodgate Poetry Series Vol. 1
Floodgate Poetry Series Vol. 1 contains poetry by Jenna Bazzell, Martin Anthony Call and Campbell McGrath. This is the first book in the Floodgate Poetry Series, an annual series collecting three short collections by three poets in each volume.Campbell McGraths Picasso/Mao is a short collection of poems told from the point of view of the two historical figures, spanning seventy-five years of history. McGrath is the author of twelve collections of poetry, and has been awarded Guggenheim and MacArthur Genius Fellowships. He is the Philip and Patricia Frost Professor of Creative Writing at Florida International University.Jenna Bazzells Homeland describes a troubled family life, beginning with a drug deal gone bad, redeemed by time and the pleasures of the natural world. Bazzell won the 2010 AWP Intro Journal Award and an Honorable Mention from the Academy of American Poets Prize for poems included in the collection.Martin Anthony Calls The Fermi Sea explores a near future of urban decay, nanobots and holograms against a backdrop of lost love. Call earned his MFA in Creative Writing from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in 2008.Reviews of Floodgate Poetry Series Vol. 1: This collection of chapbooks offers the reader a startling variety. Bazzells Homeland is a compelling blend of narrative coherence and lyric lift. The opening poem, Bubba Pub, offers us the DNA of her entire chapbook: poems anchored in place and relationship. The poem describes a drug deal the speaker goes on with her mother, and a line like the long O of a gun barrel tunnels back to the torso of a man both shows the horror of being robbed during the interaction and how suddenly night takes on strangeness. It has been said that literature should either make the familiar strange or the strange familiar; Homeland does both with alacrity. The Fermi Sea, by Call, explores a distinctly 21st-century theology, one where the Holy Ghost is turned holographically into the Hologhost
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