Forever with You
A poetic autobiography about unique love, happiness and drama. The 11 poems in Part One make you live, share and enjoy the beginning of a true love in progress - preparing you to learn the happy end. And, when you are almost there, a dramatic turn calls the couple to a life and death duel. An incurable disease hits the authors wife at age 43. The long poem, Forever with You in Part Two, keeps the reader in suspense by the bitter fight of the couple to win over death for almost ten years. Ten years of pain, fear, sacrifices, and still stronger love, strong faith and trust in each other, joy and happiness through all this nightmare. The bitter end comes... Still the couples love survives. Time for the author is not the cure to forget his late wife. He continues to mourn, suffer, weep, and cry silently in verses. You read them and feel the pain, anger, and sympathy, you suffer and, may be tears wet your cheeks.From all this nightmare and bitter end, you learn about true love and much more...In many years to comeOn our tomb aboveWords will be read: They rest in loveFront cover: Alije on the wedding dayOct. 25, 1970, Albania
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