Four Crystal Balls
A physio therapist in his early thirties faces many problems in his career life and his love life turns to a friend to help in solving the hard issues when he, by sheer coincedence, finds a scienfic book about the strong boilogical resembelance between us and our ancestors; the genes and the influence of the genelogical tree on us, but, as the book goes, do thoes genes have any effect on our luck and fate and emotions and behaviors? Does the genelogical tree stretch its branches on our future and decisions as well as chances? Upon reading the book, Dr. Ghazi Hamed searches in his family roots to check the possibility of finding solutions to his problems and answers to his bad luck in love and life and career. The long journey with the book takes him to down deep in history to meet a great grandfather who looks like him physically and mentally together with similar circumsatances the old man lived in. How can the young therapist make use of the theory and borrow solutions from the old past into the present time to solve his problems and sweep away all the obstacles?
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