Gerards Herball - Or, Generall Historie of Plantes
GERARDS HERBALL TABLE OF CONTENTS vii Page v TO THE RIGHT HONOKABLE HIS SINGULAR GOOD LORD MASTER, SIR WILLIAM CECIL Knight, Baron of Burghley, Master of the Court of Wards Liveries, Chancellor of the Universitie of Cambridge, Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, one of the Lords of her Majesties most honorable Privy Councell, and Lord high Treasurer of England. MONG the manifold creatures of God right A Honorable, and my singular good Lord that have all in all ages diversly entertained many excellent wits, and drawn them to the contemplation of the divine wisdome, none have provoked mens studies more, or satisfied their desires so much as plants have done, and that upon just and worthy causes for if delight may provoke mens labor, what greater delight is there than to behold the earth apparelled with plants, as with a robe of embroidered worke, set with Orient pearles and garnished with great diversitie of rare and costly jewels If this varietie and perfection of colours may affect the eye, it is such in herbs and floures, that no Apelles, no Zcuxis ever could by any art expresse the like if odours or if taste may worke satisfaction, they are both so soveraigne in plants, and so comfortable that no confection of the Apothecaries can equal1 their excellent vertue. But these delights are in the outward senses the principal delight is in the mind, singularly enriched with the ix The Epistle knowledge of these visible things, setting forth to us the invisible wisdome and admirable workmanship of Almighty God. The delight is great, but the use greater, and joyned often with necessitie. In the first ages of the world they were the ordinary meate of men, and have continued ever since of necessary use both for meates to rnaintaine life, and for medicike to recover health. The hidden vertue of them is such, that as PZiny noteth the very bruit beasts have found it out and which is another use that he observes from thence the byars tooke the beginning of their ri. Fu
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