Get Real, Mum, Everybody Smokes Cannabis!
Get Real, Mum, Everybody Smokes Cannabis is a harrowing journey taken by a mother after her son is arrested for possession of cannabis with intent to supply. It highlights the effects the drug has had on her family, from the extreme paranoia and suicidal thoughts experienced by her son to the raging aggression, violence and tension that goes with the territory. It documents the police activity, the actions of the court and the trauma of getting her sons case heard reasonably, so the actions of his stupidity didnt ruin his future forever.Advised by her sons counsellor, who is helping with the campaign for fair justice for substance users, Maggie initially wrote down her thoughts as a means of coping with the stress of the situation, as she was thrown from blissful ignorance into the turgid world of drugs and gang violence. The subsequent struggle to control the volatile domestic situation while protecting her son from the prejudices inherent in society moulded her diary ramblings into a book.Get Real, Mum, Everybody Smokes Cannabis is a true story, written to bring the issue of teenage social drug use out into the open. Maggies son had been a heavy user for years but, although she was an intelligent, professional woman, the extensive substance abuse went unnoticed. Horrified by her ignorance of the subject and the knowledge that the issue of drug abuse among schoolchildren is at record heights, Maggie wrote the book as the story unfolded.The book is no easy read; it tells it as it is and is essential reading for all parents and grandparents of young children and teenagers, so they can stay one step ahead in the fight against recreational drugs. The violence and mental torture that families of drug abusers have to suffer is not openly spoken about, yet it is estimated that thousands of families are affected in the UK alone.Hopefully the book will get people talking about the horrific damage that cannabis is causing to the youth of today. It isnt a harmless we
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