How is it possible that we are our own worst enemies, when what we desire is a fulfilling destiny that we choose?  Why are we attached to ways of being that don’t feel good?  What can we do to get ourselves out of being stuck in a life that doesn’t suit us?  Is it possible to get the life that is perfect for me... even though I am not perfect?GET WHAT YOU NEED: Skills to Build Your Destiny by Anna Elena Berlin, Experience of Life Writer/Researcher ~ Indie Publisher ~ Certified Professional Coach, addresses these and other self issues, acknowledging that we are complex beings embedded with information that conflicts with what we deeply need.  Readers learn how to understand what is essential to their destiny goals, along with Life Management Skills and Wisdom to enable them to optimize the experience of their very finite lives.The research literature transformed the author’s life from despair to one that thrives by helping her to understanding that—No One Is More Responsible For My Experience Of Life Than I Am.  Expert insights gleaned from hundreds of human specialty sources are made user friendly to help readers get the life they yearn for by working with how they are naturally designed.
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