Good Luck, God Bless
Jinmi Lawson arrived at Hartsfield airport with a bag and an envelope. The former full of clothes from a life 3,000 miles away, the latter enclosing a dozen hundred dollar bills. Years following would unfold a unique journey. Eight years since that fifteen year old visitor, Lawson details fielding revelatory letters from a reclusive father figure, as if restoring relations through the pages; flirting with a Hollywood career on set of a major network production; insights with a fortune 500 CEO, hiking the mountains of Colorado; and a bittersweet love that introduces dinner by campfire under clear Sun Valley skies. On his journey, Lawson resembles a point of combustion for polarized career, cultural and generational themes - pragmatism and purpose, tradition and evolution. He struggles, falters, and emerges empowered. We witness the lifetime behind him; to the one ahead, we wish luck and blessing.
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