Will our actions affect how we feel?If yes, what kind of actions that will help us to feel good?Here are 100 actions that will enrich your life. Positive actions will make us feel good with inner joy. This is a little bit different from having fun, which can be transient. A life with a deep sense of fulfillment is what you want and this is within your reach. Start now, by picking up the habits that you aim to develop.This book is presented in a very simple manner, aiming to declutter your mind to focus on what is truly important - the action! You will be amazed by how powerful you are once you start taking the action. It will not be surprising if you hear yourself saying I cant believe I could do this. This is so simple, yet I feel so good.This book will be your best companion for creative journaling and planning. Write next to the action on your personal plan and capture your feeling of accomplishment. Decorate it with sticky notes! Feel the liberation that comes from the empowerment of positive actions. You will look forward living a life filled with more!
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