Icarus and the Wing Builder
Legend and myth provide the symbols and inspiration to guide the human spirit forward. It has always been so. Icarus and the Wing Builder recreates the legend of humankind's first flight, recasting it as a soaring tale of Bronze Age historical fiction. High school mythology class was never like this! Telling the story from the father's perspective, this new book is an epic tale of love and betrayal, freedom and slavery, and coming of age on the Minoan sailing ships of the ancient Aegean. Daedalus, the builder of the wings, was probably the original geek. Like so many today, he must choose between a successful career as a builder of stone and wood, and becoming a creator of wings. There's archetypal power in their shared biographies. Why shouldn't middle age be a time for becoming more of who we really are? This is a story of hope for our troubled times. Find out what really happened in the sky that day! 
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