Im A Little Brain Dead
Nominated for INDIES Book of the Year in Humor from Foreword Reviews Winner, Writers Digest Self Published Awards - Honorable Mention for Life StoriesWinner Finalist for Humor, 2018 International Book AwardsWinner Finalist for Humor, 2018 Readers Favorite AwardsWinner Top Ten Indie Book of 2018, Amys BookshelfPanicking never helps. Tuesdays breakfast was interrupted by a stroke, and the only available help is the authors second grader. Launched into a medical crisis, Kimberly Davis Basso (and her brain) respond with wit, wisdom, and wishful thinking. From surviving a stroke to surviving a zombie apocalypse, Im a Little Brain Dead is alarmingly irreverent. No matter how critical or ridiculous the situation, Kimberly abides by their family rule Panicking never helps. Youll get an inside look at being a middle aged stroke patient as she hosts a neurological event, juggles doctors, undergoes a heart procedure and asks the really big question - how tiny is tiny when it refers to dead tissue? What would you do? Are you prepared to have a medical crisis, unable to speak or walk? Would your kids know what to do? Its time to make an escape plan. Kimberly will walk (or rather shuffle) readers through her experience in an honest, hilarious look at the site of the worlds smallest zombie apocalypse - her brain.
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