Settle down, he told her again. Im the cavalry.She poked him in the chest. Hard. Go. Away.He resisted the urge to rub where shed poked him. No can do, honey pie.You did not just call me honey pie!Sweet cheeks? The look on her face told him he should stop, but he couldnt. Her anger was intoxicating. He felt high, his blood thick and hot and furious in his veins. Fiona. Finally.Baby, he amended and leaned down toward her. Im here to help.She growled. Youre going to need help after Im through with you.A smile curved his mouth. Promises. He caught her hand when she went to poke him again. Settle, Fi.She hissed at him. A heartbeat later, something sharp and pointy pressed against his groin. His gaze fell to the military-grade steel blade she suddenly held, the tip of which was pointed perilously close to his most delicate bits.It should have alarmed him. Instead, fire surged through his blood. ???Once a carny, always a carny...When Fionas estranged stepbrother calls asking for help, shes pretty sure the apocalypse has arrived. Because Max walked away from her-and the carnival they called home-years ago, and only silence has filled the decade between them.But Special Agent Maxs FBI safe house has been exposed, and hes desperate for a place to stash his young murder witness. Fi is tempted to show him the door, but said witness is just an innocent kid, and no matter the tangled, painful mess between them, Fiona cant bring herself to abandon a child.Unlike Fi, retired Army Ranger Rye Wilder has no problem coming to the rescue when his friend and former Ranger Max calls, especially if it means finally laying eyes on the mysterious Fiona, a woman whose image has haunted Rye since he first laid eyes on the worn photo in Maxs wallet. A man with no one to call his own, Rye has never understood Maxs desertion of his sister, and the opportunity to witness the reunion i
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