In The Hands of the Gods
HowI wish my father could have seen the day when the daughter he raised by himselfwas asked to become a steward of that government! That was what Drusilla Rearchek proclaimedon the day the President of the United States introduced her as his official nominee to become the Secretaryof Treasury. However, if Drusilla hadbeen privy to all the backroom double-dealing and political intrigue that laybefore her, she might well have said otherwise before accepting the Presidentsappointment. As the founder Sharanski Enterprises, DrusillaRearchek has outdone herself. Thirtyyears earlier she set her sights on conquering the City of the Big Shoulders whenshe established her company. She is now therichest woman in America! The legendaryfortune Drusilla created all on her own has made her name the household definitionfor the word success in America. So much sothat, when the President of the United States extends an invitation for her to join his cabinet,Drusilla eagerly accepts. Only thePresident hasnt counted on Drusilla being a woman of passionate convictions.andher loyalty to those convictions instantly runs counter to the prevailing governingsentiments of the Washington beltway establishment. Once she is cast into this bureaucratic world,Drusilla is immediately overwhelmed by the overall level of incompetence, corruption,and dishonesty. The trials Drusilla mustendure during her tenure as Secretary of the Treasury will put thoseconvictions to the test. In the process,Drusilla will ultimately learn just how much one must sacrifice inorder to be a successful government servant. But will she be able to make thatsacrifice?
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